Library Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Saturday 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

A. C. Brown

Albert Church Brown - Whom the library was given in memoriam.

Family Search

Albert Church Brown (1843-1922), son of John Hanson Brown (1815-) and Sarah Copeland Heywood (1819-1904) was born in Winslow, Maine. He married first Lorena A. Hawkes (1845-1886) of Providence, RI. He married second Almena Wilson Knight (1849-1942) of Whitefield, ME.

The Letters of Albert C. Brown  - While he served in the Civil War in Co. C, 16th Maine Infantry September 25, 1863 to June 9, 1865. 16th Maine Regiment in the War of the Rebellion

Almena Wilson Knight Brown - Second wife of Albert Church Brown who bequeathed the library to the China Library Association.

Family Search

Find a Grave

Library Building History -

T. F. Hanscomb House from 1827 - 1871
Fletcher - Main House
