Summer Reading 2023!
Treasure in the Library!
The Family Summer Reading Adventure will launch on June 17th and pull in to dock on August 19th. This summer, we are encouraging families to read together (independently or with a family member). We have a treasure trove of pirate, maritime, mermaid, sea creatures, and adventure books to offer, but any book is fair game.
Upon signing up, "Bookaneers" (participants) will be given a treasure map to log reading adventures. After each check point on the map, Bookaneers will be eligible for a gold coin and a raffle ticket. At the end of the summer prizes will be drawn for Ice Cream from The Landing and bicycles from the Books for Bike Program courtesy of the Masonic Dirigo Lodge. Only children are eligible for these prizes, but adults may win a book store gift certificate.
Join us for Pirate Day is Monday, June 26th at 10:00 AM. Captain Jack Lash Lannigan and Captain Razor will visit Pirate's Cove (er, the library) to enthrall Bookaneers with tall tales of their adventures on the high seas. Everyone is encouraged to dress in pirate costume (optional). The treasure hunt will conclude with a Pirate Rendezvous in August (date tba) when prizes will be awarded!
Throughout the summer, come into the library for a treasure hunt and win some pirates booty. All ages can participate.
Arrgh you ready?
READING RENDEZVOUS Summer Reading Celebration
Games, Prizes, and Giveaways for all Bookaneers participating!
Games, Prizes, and Giveaways for all Bookaneers participating!
Saturday, August 25th at NOON
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