How to Access Thousands of Ebooks & Audiobooks Through The Cloud Library
Did you know that your library card is the key to accessing thousands of free ebooks and audiobooks online? Settings up the Cloud Library on your smartphone or tablet is as easy as 1,2,3!
1. Visit the web page below or the App Store to download the Cloud Library app on your device.
2. Enter the following information on the Cloud Library homepage:
Country > United States
State > Maine
Library > Albert Church Brown Memorial Library (We’re first on the list!)
3. Enter the number on the barcode located on the back of your ACB library card to log in. Browse featured lists, search for a title, or a favorite author.
Just like any library, you may need to place a hold for popular titles to become available while others may be available to borrow right away. Titles with a headphone icon in the upper corner means that it is available as an audiobook. The Cloud Library is currently available for any web based device, including Kindle Fire. For more information please visit:
Need help getting the cloud library set up on your device? Stop in and visit Alex at the Library who would be happy to answer any questions.
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